3 Tips College Students Must Follow While Purchasing a Used Car in North Carolina

When you own a car, college life tends to become a lot easier. A car for college students can be a means for a quicker commute to class. Additionally, having a car can be a convenient means of running errands and simplifying daily chores. North Carolina, being the ninth most populous state in United States, is home to many community colleges and state universities. Therefore, the upsurge in the number of college students opting for used cars has increased in the state. While buying a used car in North Carolina may not be a difficult process, there are some tips that will help you along the way.

Consider the following tips as you set out to purchase your used car in North Carolina.

Get an Inspection before You Purchase Your Car

Whenever buying a used car, it is imperative to evaluate its condition. North Carolina has two sets of inspection checks, namely the vehicle emissions inspection and the vehicle safety inspection. The vehicle emissions inspection, also known as the On-Board Diagnostic Emissions inspection, checks the emissions of the car. On the other hand, the vehicle safety inspection examines the safety of the components of the car; for instance it inspects the working condition of headlights, directional signals, steering and the brake systems. For many first-time buyers and college students, it is one step that is often overlooked. Therefore, before you purchase your next car, make sure to get an inspection.

Ask for a Written Disclosure of Car Damages

With little or no experience of purchasing a car, asking for a disclosure of the car damages can greatly impact your decision to buy it. Under the laws of North Carolina, the seller must provide a written disclosure if the cost of damages exceed 25 percent of the fair value market price of the car. The written disclosure should be obtained before the purchase is finalized. The seller must disclose specific details of damages such as flood damage and reconstruction of essential car components. Asking for a written disclosure from the seller is essential. It is because the seller is not entitled to inform you about the car’s condition if the damages do not exceed 25 percent of the market price. Thus, if a seller is not providing you with a written disclosure of the car damages, reconsider your purchase decision.

Get Protected Under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act is a federal law prevalent in North Carolina that protects the buyer of any product with price more than $25. Also, it includes any manufacturer warranty during the purchase of the product. Under the act, you can be protected against a used car in North Carolina that does not perform as it is expected to. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act states that if your car requires repairs even after two or three repair attempts, you are entitled to a relief. Understanding the various acts prevalent in North Carolina can come to your help when you purchase your next car.

Purchasing a car is major investment. For college students who are new to the various rules of buying a used car, the above tips will guide you when you set out to make a purchase in North Carolina.

Studies Suggest Social Media May Have Health Benefits For Older Adults

The study by researcher William Chopik from Michigan State University in the US has found that social technology use among older adults is linked to better self-rated health and fewer chronic illnesses and depressive symptoms. “Older adults think the benefits of social technology greatly outweigh the costs and challenges of technology,” said Chopik, assistant professor of psychology. “And the use of this technology could benefit their mental and physical health over time.”

Using data from 591 participants in the nationally representative Health and Retirement Study, Chopik examined the benefits of using technology for social connection among older adults (participants’ average age was about 68). Social technology included email; social networks such as Facebook and Twitter; online video or phone calls, such as Skype; online chatting or instant messaging; and smartphones.

Previous research on technology use across the life span has focused on the digital divide or the disparities between younger and older adults painting a rather bleak picture of seniors’ ability and motivation to adapt to a changing technological landscape. However, Chopik’s findings challenge this interpretation. More than 95 per cent of participants said they were either “somewhat” or “very” satisfied with technology, while 72 per cent said they were not opposed to learning new technologies.

“Despite the attention that the digital divide has garnered in recent years, a large proportion of older adults use technology to maintain their social networks and make their lives easier,” Chopik said. “In fact, there may be portions of the older population that use technology as often as younger adults.” The study also found that social technology use predicted lower levels of loneliness, which in turn predicted better mental and physical health.

Participants who used social technology more generally were more satisfied with life and had fewer depressive symptoms and chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. “Each of the links between social technology use and physical and psychological health was mediated by reduced loneliness,” Chopik said.

“As we know, close relationships with other people are a large determinant of physical health and well-being, and social technology has the potential to cultivate successful relationships among older adults,” he said. The findings are published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking.

What Is The Most Effective Fat Loss Herbal Supplement?

Many people today are prone to put weight; excess weight proves to be not only a health hazard, but also restricts one from enjoying the healthy things of life. There are various ways to lose weight and burn the extra fat in the body. Having a regulated and healthy diet and exercising help as fat loss herbal supplements. Losing weight by exercise has helped many, but there is a necessity to be regular in exercising and at many times one tends to put on weight rapidly once one stops exercising.

Herbs have been known since ages to help in various ailments; there are various herbal supplements that help slimming as well as act as natural appetite suppressants and one of the most prominent natural suppressant slimming pills that promote fat loss is InstaSlim capsule. This fat loss herbal supplement contains various herbs like Phaseolus Vulgaris, Cyamposis Psoralioids and Loha Bhasm that are very useful as fat loss and natural appetite suppressant slimming pills.

It is advisable to know that Phaseolus Vulgaris helps in healthy weight loss and is known to remove cravings and general appetite. It is also very helpful to promote the overall health of the person. Cyamposis Psoralioids also helps as an effective fat loss herbal supplement and is very well known to improve the energy and fitness levels. Loha Bhasm in this natural appetite suppressant slimming pills helps in improving the overall health and also helps as one of the best fat loss herbal supplement.

InstaSlim the natural appetite suppressant slimming pills contains only herbs and not synthetic chemicals or harmful chemicals. Hence it is ideal and safe to use for all. It can be used with other weight loss methods. This fat loss supplement helps not only to lose fat from the body but also to build lean muscles and muscle mass. It has nutrients that help to build up muscle mass. It is a well known fact that those that have good muscle mass tend to lose weight faster both while exercising and at rest. When they lose fat faster their body gets used to using the accumulated fats to produce energy. This acts to bring about an overall improvement in their health.

InstaSlim capsule, the best fat loss herbal supplement can be taken twice daily; about 2 capsules can be taken each time for a period of 3 months to get the desired result. This capsule removes the excess craving for junk and spicy foods. However it also promotes a healthy appetite for healthy foods and foods that one likes. This natural appetite suppressant slimming pills not only suppresses appetite, but also contains nutrients that help promote the general well being of the person that consumes it. These nutrients help to person to remain energetic and active throughout the day.

To conclude herbs are very beneficial for health and they have proved to be very useful in fat loss supplements like InstaSlim capsule. This capsule has also been recognized as one of the most ideal natural appetite suppressant slimming pills that have benefitted many that want to lose weight.